717 Finley Ave, Unit 1,2&3
Ajax Ontario
Canada, L1S3T1
Tel: (905) 427-1607

Here at RTA we apply Ceramic Coatings that are designed to protect both metal and non-metal substrates. Additionally the Ceramic Coatings are formulated to withstand extreme temperatures (~1200*F) without discolouring. This makes the coating ideal for exhausts, pistons and other components for high temperature systems.
Ceramic Coatings maintain excellent adhesion even after repeated thermal cycling. These coatings provide superior protection against corrosive environments and thermal shock. In addition to performance, Ceramic Coatings are currently available in several metallic and non-metallic finishes at different gloss levels.
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4 Cyl Turbo : $200
6 Cyl Turbo: $250
V8 Turbo : $375/pr
4 Cyl N/A : $250
6 Cyl N/A : $300
V8 Short : $375/pr
V8 Long : $400/pr
Small Singles : $35
Small Dual : $45
Large Single : $50
Turbo Housing : $100
Waste Gates : $75
Tubes under 2.5" : $25/ft
Tubes Over 2.5" : $35/ft